News — Art

Exploring Family Through Art: Black Families Series

Exploring Family Through Art: Black Families Series
Explore the beauty and diversity of Black families through art! Share this message and add the hashtags!

Keep the Romance ALIVE! #RelationshipGoals

Stacy Lawson

Tags Art, Black Families, BlackLove, Lovewins, RealLove, RelationshipGoals, Romance, RomanceAlive

Keep the Romance ALIVE! #RelationshipGoals
With all that life brings, keeping the spark alive in your relationship can often feel like an uphill tasks. Read our take on the topic and have your pen ready for some steps you can take to implement these changes in your relationship today!

How to choose the right sized art for your space?

Stacy Lawson

Tags #HomeDecor, #InteriorDesign, Art, Home Improvement

Wondering how to pick the perfect-sized art for your space? No worries! Here are a few tips to help you choose the right sized artwork that will make your room look amazing. Measure your walls: Before you start searching for art, take out a tape measure and get an accurate idea of the wall space you have available for the piece. Consider placement: Knowing where exactly the piece will go is key to finding one that’s just right. Think about how high up or low down on the wall it should be, and how far apart from other furniture it...

How Art Can Help Improve Mental Health

Stacy Lawson

Tags Art, Health, Mental Health

Art is a powerful tool for connecting with our emotions and expressing the things we can't put into words. In recent years, the creative arts have become increasingly recognized for their ability to improve mental health and well-being. Here are some of the ways that art can be used to help manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. Exploring Feelings through Creativity Engaging in creative activities can be an effective way of exploring feelings such as anger, sadness, or fear without having to verbalize them. Drawing, painting or writing allows us to express emotional states without feeling judged...

Exploring the Power of Art in the Black Community

Stacy Lawson

Tags Art, Black, Black community, Different forms of art

Exploring the Power of Art in the Black Community

Art can be a powerful form of expression and communication. It allows us to express our deepest thoughts and feelings while exploring complex social, political, and cultural issues. Historically, art has been an invaluable tool for members of the black community to explore these topics in unique ways. In this blog post, we will take a look at some examples of how art is used by the black community to communicate their perspectives and experiences. One example of using art to convey messages is through painting and other visual forms. Visual art has been used since ancient times as a...